Archive for October, 2007

No Pressure then.

Hey, I am glad that James is looking forward to the WordPress meets SAP session at Community Day in Munich. I am too. It should be lots of fun. It is not like SAP needs a lesson in how to blog. When Tim O’Reilly confers ‘SAP gets it‘, that a bit like a blessing from the Pope in this web 2.0 world.

Tim O'Reilly at SDN Community Day

My thought is: why can’t SAP and WordPress play together? It really is conversation meets enterprise. All the tools are there. My goal is to see them coming together a little closer before the end of the 16 of October.

Some people are not big fans of WordPress as Andrew Betts said recently on the PHPLondon mailing list:

We did using WordPress, and speaking as someone who’s actually had to wade through pretty much the whole codebase, let me tell you it seriously sucks. A few highlights:

1. It tries to detect magic_quotes_gpc, un-quotes the superglobal arrays and then re-quotes them so it’s impossible to get access to the raw querystring or post data

2. I’ve had function chains up to eight calls long with each function in a different file.

3. I still have nightmares about a function called wpautop(). If you ever think about editing it… don’t.

4. I’ve lost count of the number of code blocks that have comments such as “This probably isn’t needed anymore”. Probably!?

And yes, my own blog runs WordPress. It’s just so damned easy to install -)

A reply from Darren Moore:

And I concur..

WordPress is fantastic for blogs because it is s simple to install and there are loads of community mods – ie if you can think of some functionality someone else has already done it. I use it for 4 blogs and 2 v. simple CMS’s. I reckon I can get most designs into WordPress as a CMS in a day if the designer provides x-platform xhtml/css  which will answer the client’s requirement to change the text themselves cost-effectively. In fact I reckon there could be quite a market for building WordPress CMS sites in a day if anyone wants to join me!

Here, here! The stats are pretty amazing and it is very easy to install.

See you in Munich.

Free Stuff the great techy site that they are have just released a free RubyOnRails book.

You know I am more of the PHP guy but I am up for learning from whereever I can. It is only up for the next 60 days so let your fingers do the clicking.

The calm before the storm

As you are probably well aware, SAP TechEd (US Edition) is now under way.

Mark Finnern and Craig Cmehil share a joke before they realise what a week it is going to be. (Actually I think they know what kind of a week it is going to be)

Mark and Craig share a joke

Photo credit: Marilyn Pratt

A new quarter

Today is the first day of the last quarter of the year. Far from winding down (that wont happen until 21 Dec) there is a lot happening from now until the end of this year.

And in the vein of ‘well why not’, I am going to blog at least once a day for the rest of October. A self imposed ‘NaBloPoMo’ if you will.

Let’s see how I go.

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October 2007

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